Enthalpy Of Fusion Of Naphthalene

Embark on an exploration of the enthalpy of fusion of naphthalene, a captivating concept that unlocks the secrets of naphthalene’s physical properties. This enigmatic value holds the key to understanding the energy dynamics involved in naphthalene’s transformation from a solid to a liquid state.

Delving deeper, we’ll unravel the experimental techniques employed to precisely determine this enthalpy of fusion, uncovering the intricate interplay between temperature, pressure, and impurities in shaping this crucial energy parameter.

Introduction: Enthalpy Of Fusion Of Naphthalene

Enthalpy of fusionis the amount of energy required to change a solid substance into a liquid at its melting point. It represents the energy needed to overcome the intermolecular forces holding the molecules in a fixed lattice structure, allowing them to move more freely as a liquid.

Understanding the enthalpy of fusion of naphthalene is crucial for comprehending its physical properties and behavior. It provides insights into the strength of intermolecular interactions within naphthalene and how they influence its melting point and other thermal characteristics.


The enthalpy of fusion of naphthalene is a significant parameter in various applications, including:

  • Purification: The enthalpy of fusion is utilized in the purification of naphthalene through recrystallization, where impurities with different melting points are separated based on their solubility in the liquid phase.
  • Energy storage: Naphthalene’s high enthalpy of fusion makes it a potential candidate for thermal energy storage systems, where it can absorb and release large amounts of energy during phase transitions.
  • Material design: Understanding the enthalpy of fusion aids in the design and development of materials with specific melting points and thermal properties tailored for various applications.

Experimental Determination of Enthalpy of Fusion

The enthalpy of fusion of naphthalene can be determined experimentally using calorimetry. Calorimetry is a technique used to measure the heat absorbed or released during a chemical reaction or physical change. In the case of enthalpy of fusion, calorimetry is used to measure the heat absorbed by naphthalene as it melts from a solid to a liquid.

Experimental Procedure

The following is a step-by-step procedure for conducting an experiment to determine the enthalpy of fusion of naphthalene:

  1. Measure the mass of a sample of naphthalene.
  2. Place the naphthalene sample in a calorimeter.
  3. Heat the naphthalene sample until it melts.
  4. Record the temperature of the naphthalene sample.
  5. Calculate the heat absorbed by the naphthalene sample using the following equation:

    “`Q = m


    “`where:* Q is the heat absorbed by the naphthalene sample (in joules)

    • m is the mass of the naphthalene sample (in grams)
    • Lf is the enthalpy of fusion of naphthalene (in joules per gram)

Factors Affecting Enthalpy of Fusion

The enthalpy of fusion of naphthalene is not a fixed value and can be influenced by various factors. Understanding these factors is crucial for accurately predicting and controlling the melting behavior of naphthalene in different applications.


Temperature plays a significant role in determining the enthalpy of fusion. As the temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the naphthalene molecules increases, making it easier for them to overcome the intermolecular forces holding them in a solid state. Consequently, the enthalpy of fusion decreases with increasing temperature.


Pressure also affects the enthalpy of fusion. Applying pressure to a solid naphthalene sample increases the intermolecular interactions between the molecules, making it more difficult for them to break free and enter a liquid state. As a result, the enthalpy of fusion increases with increasing pressure.


The presence of impurities in naphthalene can significantly alter its enthalpy of fusion. Impurities can disrupt the regular arrangement of naphthalene molecules, creating defects and imperfections in the crystal lattice. These defects provide nucleation sites for the formation of liquid naphthalene, reducing the energy required to initiate melting.

Therefore, the presence of impurities generally lowers the enthalpy of fusion of naphthalene.

Applications of Enthalpy of Fusion

The enthalpy of fusion of naphthalene finds practical applications in various fields.

Thermal Energy Storage, Enthalpy of fusion of naphthalene

The high enthalpy of fusion of naphthalene makes it suitable for thermal energy storage systems. Naphthalene melts at a relatively low temperature (80.2 °C), and its large heat of fusion (180.3 kJ/mol) allows it to store a significant amount of thermal energy.

This energy can be released upon solidification, providing a source of heat for various applications.

Crystallization Processes

Naphthalene is used as a solvent in crystallization processes. The controlled cooling of a naphthalene solution allows for the crystallization of the desired solute. The enthalpy of fusion of naphthalene determines the rate of crystallization and the size and quality of the crystals formed.

Phase Change Materials

Naphthalene is employed as a phase change material (PCM) in thermal management applications. PCMs undergo phase transitions (e.g., solid-liquid) at specific temperatures, absorbing or releasing heat in the process. Naphthalene’s high enthalpy of fusion makes it effective in regulating temperature fluctuations in systems such as buildings, electronic devices, and solar thermal collectors.

Comparison with Other Substances

The enthalpy of fusion of naphthalene is significantly lower than that of many other substances, such as water, ice, and metals. This is because the intermolecular forces in naphthalene are weaker than those in these other substances.In water, the intermolecular forces are hydrogen bonds, which are relatively strong.

This is why water has a high enthalpy of fusion. In ice, the intermolecular forces are even stronger, due to the formation of a crystalline lattice structure. This is why ice has an even higher enthalpy of fusion than water.Metals

have strong metallic bonds, which are much stronger than the intermolecular forces in naphthalene. This is why metals have very high enthalpies of fusion.The following table shows the enthalpies of fusion of some common substances:| Substance | Enthalpy of Fusion (kJ/mol) ||—|—|| Naphthalene | 18.2 || Water | 6.01 || Ice | 33.6 || Iron | 13.8 || Aluminum | 10.7 || Copper | 13.0 |As you can see, the enthalpy of fusion of naphthalene is much lower than that of water, ice, and metals.

This is because the intermolecular forces in naphthalene are weaker than those in these other substances.

Helpful Answers

What is the practical significance of enthalpy of fusion?

Enthalpy of fusion finds practical applications in thermal energy storage systems, where materials like naphthalene are utilized to store and release heat energy efficiently.

How does temperature affect the enthalpy of fusion?

Temperature plays a crucial role in determining the enthalpy of fusion. As temperature increases, the energy required to overcome intermolecular forces and break the crystal lattice decreases, resulting in a lower enthalpy of fusion.