La Casa De Bernarda Alba English Translation

La Casa de Bernarda Alba English Translation, a powerful and evocative work, captivates readers with its exploration of oppression, gender roles, and the complexities of human nature. Set in rural Spain, the play delves into the lives of Bernarda Alba and her five daughters, whose existence is suffocated by the suffocating grip of tradition and authority.

Federico García Lorca’s masterpiece unfolds in a claustrophobic atmosphere, where the white walls of the Alba household become a symbol of both purity and confinement. The play’s themes resonate deeply, exposing the societal constraints and personal struggles that continue to shape our world.


La casa de bernarda alba english translation

The House of Bernarda Alba, a play by Federico García Lorca, is set in rural Spain in the early 20th century. The story centers around Bernarda Alba, a wealthy widow who rules her household with an iron fist. After the death of her second husband, Bernarda imposes a strict eight-year mourning period on her five daughters: Angustias, Magdalena, Amelia, Martirio, and Adela.

The play explores the oppressive atmosphere of Bernarda’s household, where the daughters are forbidden from any contact with the outside world. The strict rules and the lack of freedom lead to tension and conflict within the family. The daughters rebel against their mother’s authority, and their repressed desires and emotions ultimately lead to tragedy.


Bernarda Alba

Bernarda Alba is the central character of the play. She is a wealthy and powerful widow who rules her household with absolute authority. Bernarda is a stern and unforgiving woman who believes in tradition and order. She is determined to maintain her family’s honor and reputation, even at the expense of her daughters’ happiness.

Bernarda’s Daughters

Bernarda’s five daughters are all complex and well-developed characters. Each daughter has her own unique personality and desires, but they are all united by their shared oppression.

  • Angustias is the eldest daughter and the most obedient to her mother. She is engaged to Pepe el Romano, a wealthy landowner, but she does not love him.
  • Magdalena is the second daughter. She is a beautiful and passionate woman who longs for freedom and love.
  • Amelia is the third daughter. She is a shy and timid woman who is often overlooked by her mother and sisters.
  • Martirio is the fourth daughter. She is a bitter and resentful woman who is jealous of her sisters.
  • Adela is the youngest daughter. She is a rebellious and independent woman who refuses to conform to her mother’s expectations.

Setting and Atmosphere, La casa de bernarda alba english translation

The House of Bernarda Albais set in a rural village in Spain in the early 20th century. The play takes place entirely within the confines of Bernarda’s house, which is a symbol of oppression and confinement. The house is described as being “whitewashed like a tomb” and having “no windows” (Lorca, 1936). The oppressive atmosphere of the house is created by the strict rules that Bernarda imposes on her daughters and the lack of freedom and privacy that they are allowed.

The setting of the play also contributes to the sense of claustrophobia and isolation. The village is described as being “a world of silence and shadow” (Lorca, 1936). The villagers are afraid of Bernarda and her daughters, and they gossip about them behind their backs.

The daughters are not allowed to leave the house, and they are forbidden from any contact with the outside world.

Essential FAQs: La Casa De Bernarda Alba English Translation

Who is Bernarda Alba?

Bernarda Alba is the domineering matriarch of the Alba household, whose oppressive rule casts a long shadow over her daughters’ lives.

What are the main themes of La Casa de Bernarda Alba?

The play explores themes of oppression, gender roles, tradition versus modernity, and the destructive power of desire.

Why is La Casa de Bernarda Alba considered a masterpiece?

Lorca’s skillful use of symbolism, poetic language, and vivid characterization elevate the play to the realm of a masterpiece, offering a timeless exploration of human nature.